First time representing the German Energy Agency (dena)

From 27th to 29th of May I was a part of the delegation of the German Energy Agency (dena) to the 25th Energy & Environment Fair & Conference ICCI in Istanbul.

In 28th of May I took part in the meeting of the German-Turkish Working Group “Sector Coupling and Energy Infrastructure” with representatives from the Turkish Energy Ministry and gave a presentation on storage technologies in Germany, including large scale battery storage systems (BSS) and the concept of “Netzboosters” (grid boosters) (see dena’s Twitter below). On the next day I participated in the conference on storage technologies in Germany and Turkey with German and Turkish experts. 

Both events were organized jointly be the dena and the German-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It was a pleasure to be a part of the organization team as well as to share with the Turkish colleagues the knowledge about current situation and developments concerning storage of energy in Germany. I have also lernt a lot about the Turkish electricity system and the role of renewables. I am looking forward to the next meeting of the Working Group in Berlin!

Book chapter on Polish renewable energy policy


Mine and Andrzej Ancygier’s book chapter “Poland at the renewable energy policy crossroads – an incongruent Europeanization?” has been published in the book “A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy. Comparing Europeanization and Domestic Policy Change in EU Member States” by Edward Elgar Publishing (2017, pp. 183-203).

About the book from the publisher’s website:

“This book is a guide for understanding the EU renewable energy policy as one of the most ambitious attempts world-wide to facilitate a transition towards more sustainable energy systems. It contains key case studies for understanding how member states have shaped the EU renewable energy policy, how the EU has affected the policies of its member states and how renewable energy policies have diffused horizontally. An analysis of the external dimension of the EU renewable energy policy is also included.”

Book chapter on wind energy use and landscape debates in Poland and Germany (in Polish)

My book chapter “Windenergienutzung und Landschaftsdebatten – Erfahrungen aus Polen und Deutschland” [Wind energy use and landscape debates – experiences from Poland and Germany], translated into Polish and written together with Antje Otto and Andrzej Ancygier, has been published in the book “Krajobrazy kulturowe. Sposoby konstruowania i narracje” [Cultural landscapes. Construction methods and narratives] (2017, pp. 278-298).

The book chapter has been translated by Agnieszka Grzybkowska: “Wykorzystanie energii wiatrowej i debaty na temat krajobrazu. Doswiadczenia z Polski i Niemiec”. The book has been edited by Robert Traba, Violetta Julkowska and Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz and published by Wydawnictwo Neriton CBH PAN (Centrum Badan Historycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie) Publishing House Neriton Centre of Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. German version is coming soon.

Book chapter on Polish energy and climate policy

My book chapter “Poland’s Clash Over Energy and Climate Policy: Green Economy or Grey Status Quo?” has been published in the book “The European Union in International Climate Change Politics. Still Taking a Lead?” edited by Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel, James Connely and Duncan Liefferink. More informatione here.