2022 “Die Deutsch-Polnische Energieplattform” during the Regional Meeting of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg “Energie im Grenzraum. Zukunftperspektiven auf deutsch-polnische Energiekooperationen in unsicheren Zeiten” in Cottbus on 24 November (n German; I was representing dena).
2022 “Die Deutsch-Polnische Energieplattform” during the Meeting of the Deutsch-Polnischer Raumordungsausschuss in Potsdam on 20 September ((n German; I was representing dena).
2022 “Flexibility options” during the online-workshop “Adequate capacity and flexibility – two pillars of a reliable future energy system in Germany and China” during the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 22, organised by the GIZ China and the German Energy Agency (dena) on 31 March (in English; I was representing dena).
2022 “Flexibility technologies and measures in the German power system”, presentation during the German-Danish-Chinese online-workshop “Flexibility technologies and measures in the German power system” organised by the German Energy Agency (dena) on 18 January (in English; I was representing dena).
2019 “Power-to-x and battery storage systems – current developments in Germany”, presentation during the meeting of the German-Turkish Working Group “Sector Coupling and Energy Infrastructure” of the German-Turkish Energy Forum organised by the German Energy Agency (dena) and the Turkish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Istanbul in Turkey on 28 May (in English; I was representing dena).
2015 “Green economy or grey status quo – a Polish clash over climate and energy policy”, presentation at the conference “Still Taking the Lead? The European Union in International Climate Change Politics” organised by the Centre for European Union Studies (CEUS) at the Univeristy of Hull in Great Britain on 24-25 September (skype conference; in English).
2015 “Scenariusz i przygotowania Niemiec na wypadek (globalnego) kryzysu energetycznego” [Germany’s scenario and preparation in case of global energy crisis], presentation at the conference “Kryzys surowcowy a bezpieczenstwo energetyczne Polski scenariusze i programy adaptacyjne” organized by the Environmental Assiociation EKO-UNIA [Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne EKO-UNIA], Nationawide Coalition Development YES, Open-cast Mining NO [Ogolnopolska Koalicja “Rozwoj TAK – Odkrywki NIE] and Anna Grodzka, Member of the Polish Parliament from the Green Party in the Polish Parliament [Sejm] in Warsaw on 17 June (in Polish).
- Here you may watch the press conference that took place before the conference.
- Here you may watsch the video from the conference and panel discussion.
2015 “Germany: Energiewende going local”, presentation during the book project workshop “Low-Carbon Energy Transitions” organised at the Forschungszenrum für Umweltpolitik (FFU) [Environmental Policy Research Centre] at the Free University of Berlin on 9 Mai (in English).
2015 “Germany: Energiewende going local”, presentation during the workshop “Energy Transitions around the World” organised by the project “Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS” at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 4-5 March (in English).
2015 “Germany: Energiewende going local?”, presentation during the book project workshop “Low-Carbon Energy Transitions” organised at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 14 February (in English).
2014 “EEG-Reform: Hintergründe, Änderungen, Auswirkungen [EEG-reform: backgrounds, changes and consequences], presentation during the internal workshop of the Pirate Party’s parliamentary group in the state parliament of Berlin on 3 November (in German).
2014 “Bringing energy to the people: what Poland, Europe and the world really need”, presentation during the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World”, panel “The Climate of European Politics”, organised by the Uppsala University and the Jagiellonian University in Cracov at the Jagiellonian Univeristy in Cracov on 23 June (in English).
2014 “Poland at the energy policy crossroads – a superficial Europenization?”, presentation at the conference “The EU Renewable Energy Policy: Challenges and Opportunities” organised at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 9 May (in English).
2014 “Rentabilität von Klein-Windenergieanlagen (KWEA) [Profitability of small wind power plants], presentation during the PriEnergie Priener Energie-Tage [Priener Energy Days] in Prien in Germany on 9 February (in German).
2013 moderation of the conference panel: WAspekty polityki energetycznej i rozwojowej Niemiec” [The aspects of the German energy and development policy] during the Congress of Germany Experts organised at the Willy Brandt Centre at the University of Wroclaw on 22 November (in Polish).
2013 “Fossil fuel lobby in the UNFCCC process” presentation during the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s strategy workshop at COP 19 in Warsaw on 17 November (in English).
2013 “Walka z bezrobociem dzieki rozwojowi OZE” [Fighting the unemployment through RES], presentation during the panel “Renewable jobs, jobs in renewables – facts and myths” during the participatory debate about Poland and its future §Citizens energy for a good climate” organised by the Greens/ European Free Alliance (Greens/ EFA) in the European Parliament in the Palac Nauki i Kultury [Palast of the Culture and Science] in Warsaw on 15 November (in Polish).
2013 “Boom energetyki obywatelskiej w Niemczech” [Boom of civic energy in Germany], presentation during the panel “Przedsi3biorczosc spoleczna a ochrona srodowiska, ekologia i energia odnawialna” [Social entrepreneurship and environmental protection, ecology and renewable energy] organised by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Warsaw office during the 7th Polish Nationwide Meetings of Social Economy in Nowe Warpno in Poland on 20 September (in Polish).
2013 “Polityka wsparcia PV w Niemczech“ zmiany i wyzwania [Support policy for PV in Germany – changes and challenges], presentation during the First Forum “Photovoltaic for all” organised by the journal Czysta Energia and Poznan International Fair during the International Renewable Energy Fair Greenpower 2013 in the Poznan International Fair in Poland on 14 May (in Polish).
2011 with A. Schaffrin, “Explaining National Differences in Domestic Climate Policy Adoption – Political Institutions and Preferences”, presentation at the 6th ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) General Conference at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik on 26 August (in English).
2011 “Veto players or climate leaders? Explaining national differences in domestic climate policy adoption by political institutions and preferences”, presentation at the 4th PhD-Conference at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 8 June (in English).
2010 “Polish transition from coal to renewable energies”, presentation at the 3. PhD-Conference at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 11 December (in English).
2010 “Renewable energy policy and politics in Poland”, guest lecture at the research seminar of the Graduate School Research Training Group “Social Order and Life Chances in Cross-National Comparison” SOCLIFE at the Department of Social Sciences at the Univeristy of Cologne on 3 November (in English).
2010 “Ekonomiczne aspekty rozwoju odnawialnych energii” [Economic aspects of development of renewable energy], presentation at the International Energy Conference EUROPOWER 2010, organised by EURO-INFOR, during the panel discussion “Energetyka odnawialna przyszloscia Europy§ [Renewable energy as a future of Europe] in Warsaw on 22 September (in Polish).
2009 “Polish transition towards renewable energy oriented society – theoretical approach”, presentation at the PhD-Conference of the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free Univeristy of Berlin “Forging Closer Ties: Transatlantic Relations, Climate, and Energy” in the European House – Representation of European Commission in Berlin on 3 December (in English).
2009 “Climate change as a threat or opportunity? Poland’s position towards EU energy and climate policy (focus on energy and climate package), presentation at the 1. PhD-Conference at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 13 June (in English).
2008 “Lessons for Poland? Germany’s Experiences with Renewable Electricity”, presentation at the international conference SolPol 2008 “Energetyka odnawialna, innowacyjne technologie i rozwiazania” [Renewable energy, innovative technologies and solutions] at the Warsaw University of Technology on 25 September (in English).
2008 “Fotowoltaika w Polsce a w Niemczech” [Photovoltaic in Poland and in Germany], presentation at the German-Polish session “German achievements in the support of renewable energy at the example of Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz” during the conference organised by the Fundacja Rozwoju Nauk Materialowych [Foundation for Development of Material Science] “Renewable Energy Sources in the Visegrad Countries” in Zakopane in Poland on 17 October (in Polish).
2008 “European Union and its member states: climate change policy and politics in Eastern Europe – the Polish case”, presentation at the conference “The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics” organised by the Centre for European Union Studies (CEUS) at the Univeristy of Hull in Great Britain on 19 September (in English).
2007 “Evaluation and perspectives for policy of sustainable development in Poland in the context of European environmental governance”, quest lecture at the research colloqium “Neuere Forschungen zur Energie- und Umweltpolitik” [New research in energy and environmental policy] at the Environmental Policy Research Centre at the Free University of Berlin on 6 November (in English).
2007 “Plec i gender w mainstreamie spoleczno-politycznym – kiedy plec przestaje miec znaczenie [Sex and gender in the socio-political mainstream – when does the sex loose its meaning], presentation at the conference “Plec miedzy cialem, umyslem i spoleczenstwem [Sex between body, mind and society] at the Department of Social Sciences of the Adam-Mickiewicz-University in Poznan in Poland on 18 May (in Polish).
2007 “Kobiety w zrownoważonym rozwoju: od emancypacji separatystycznej do gender mainstreaming. Przelom w ruchu kobiecym?” [Women in sustainable development: from the separatist emancipation to gender mainstreaming. Change in the women’s movement?], presentation at the conference “Feminizm i radykalizm wsrod ruchow spolecznych i perspektyw krytycznych” [Feminism and radicalism in the social movements and critical perspectives] at the University of Szczecin in Poland on 2 March (in Polish).