dena’s report on CO2 price

Next dena’s report, which I contributed to, is out! It is titled “Wirksamer Klimaschutz durch Preissignale? Wege zur Zielerreichung 2030” (“Effective climate protection through price signals? – Ways to achieve the targets 2030”) and it is dena’s contribution to the CO2 price debate in Germany. It summarizes the results of a stakeholder dialoque organized by dena during the last couple of months.

About the report from the dena’s website:

“Die CO2-Bepreisung wird immer wieder diskutiert, wenn es darum geht, wie wirksame Emissionsreduktionen erreicht werden können. Das kürzlich von der Bundesregierung beschlossene “Klimaschutzprogramm 2030” enthält wichtige Grundsatzentscheidungen zur CO2-Bepreisung. Die dena hat mit der Ideenschmiede CO2-Bepreisung einen Stakeholderprozess initiiert, um das Instrument aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu bewerten. Die teilnehmenden Stakeholder aus Unternehmen, Verbänden, Gewerkschaften und NGOs debattierten Über den wesentlichen Elementen verschiedener CO2-Bepreisungsmodelle. Der Abschlussbericht bietet eine Zusammenfassung der Argumente, Unterschiede und Schnittmengen zwischen den Konzepten und Akteursgruppen.”

You may find the whole report here.

First time representing the German Energy Agency (dena)

From 27th to 29th of May I was a part of the delegation of the German Energy Agency (dena) to the 25th Energy & Environment Fair & Conference ICCI in Istanbul.

In 28th of May I took part in the meeting of the German-Turkish Working Group “Sector Coupling and Energy Infrastructure” with representatives from the Turkish Energy Ministry and gave a presentation on storage technologies in Germany, including large scale battery storage systems (BSS) and the concept of “Netzboosters” (grid boosters) (see dena’s Twitter below). On the next day I participated in the conference on storage technologies in Germany and Turkey with German and Turkish experts. 

Both events were organized jointly be the dena and the German-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It was a pleasure to be a part of the organization team as well as to share with the Turkish colleagues the knowledge about current situation and developments concerning storage of energy in Germany. I have also lernt a lot about the Turkish electricity system and the role of renewables. I am looking forward to the next meeting of the Working Group in Berlin!

Book chapter on German policy support mechanism for photovoltaics


My book chapter “The German Policy Support Mechanism fpr Photovoltaics: The Road to Grid Parity” was published in Moe, Espen and Midford, Paul (eds.), “The Political Economy of Renewable Energy and Energy Security. Common Challenges and National Responses in Japan, China and Northern Europe”, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 258-275.

From the book description:

Bringing together renewable energy and energy security, the authors cover both the politics and political economy of renewables and energy security and analyzes renewable technologies in some of the most relevant and topical parts of the world. Japan is energy-scarce and still experiencing the aftermath of Fukushima. China is expanding its renewable energy capacity faster than any other country. Northern Europe has long been among the most progressive regions with respect to renewables – boasting Denmark and Germany, front-runners in wind and solar energy solutions – but also home to petroleum-based economies like Norway. By comparing and contrasting the experiences of such a diverse range of countries, this book identifies both barriers and success factors and explains why some countries have been so much more successful than others when it comes to renewable energy.

More information available on the website of Palgrave Macmillan.

Presentation from the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World”

The power-point presentation (in English) entitled “Bringing energy to the people – what Poland, Europe and the world really need?” that I prepared for my talk during the panel: “The Climate of European Politics: Climate Change, Europe and the World” during the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World” on 23 June  in Cracov is available here:

Presentation “Bringing energy to the people: what Poland, Europe and the world really need?”, Karolina Jankowska