DEA’s and dena’s report on land use planning for renewable energy

In the last couple of months I have been involved in preparing a report on the issue of land use planning for renewable energy. Dena’s colleagues have been working on this report together with colleagues from the Danish Energy Agency (DEA). It was a part of the joint project energy transition expertise for China CNREC. The report was launched yesterday at the China Wind Power Conference. It is titled: “Distributed Wind and PV in Denmark and Germany”.

About the report from its introduction:

This report describes the current regulations in Denmark and Germany for land use and planning and siting of RE facilities, especially distributed onshore wind and free-field PV systems. In the first section, the status of both onshore wind power and PV in both countries is presented. Afterwards, the planning and siting processes as well as the approval processes for onshore wind farms and free-field PV systems are explained. In this context, it is important to note that, while Denmark is ruled by country-level regulation, in Germany the regulations for land use differ across the federal states, which have the power to issue own rules. The most important differences are briefly presented in this report. Afterwards, the public participation processes are discussed. Finally, lessons learned for China based on the Danish and German experiences with planning and siting onshore wind power plants and free-field PV systems are suggested.

You may find the whole report here.

Book chapter on wind energy use and landscape debates in Poland and Germany (in Polish)

My book chapter “Windenergienutzung und Landschaftsdebatten – Erfahrungen aus Polen und Deutschland” [Wind energy use and landscape debates – experiences from Poland and Germany], translated into Polish and written together with Antje Otto and Andrzej Ancygier, has been published in the book “Krajobrazy kulturowe. Sposoby konstruowania i narracje” [Cultural landscapes. Construction methods and narratives] (2017, pp. 278-298).

The book chapter has been translated by Agnieszka Grzybkowska: “Wykorzystanie energii wiatrowej i debaty na temat krajobrazu. Doswiadczenia z Polski i Niemiec”. The book has been edited by Robert Traba, Violetta Julkowska and Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz and published by Wydawnictwo Neriton CBH PAN (Centrum Badan Historycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie) Publishing House Neriton Centre of Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. German version is coming soon.

Article about the reform of the German renewable energy law in July 2016

My article “Przyszlosc energetyki odnawialnej w Niemczech – staly trend, nowe zasady” was published by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Warszawa – you may read it here.

Final report of the Enquete Commission “New Energy for Berlin – The Future of the Energy Industry Structures”

Ich freue mich sehr über das Ergebnis der Arbeit der Enquete-Kommission des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, an der ich beteiligt war: den Abschlussbericht “Neue Energie fü Berlin – Zukunft der energiewirtschaftlichen Strukturen”. Der Bericht wird auch bald in’s Englische übersetzt. Der Bericht ist verfügbar unter:

I am very pleased about the result of a work of the Enquete Commission of the Berlin House of Representatives, in which I was involved: the final report “New Energy for Berlin – The Future of the Energy Industry Structures”. The report will soon be translated into English. The report ist available online here:

Article on German energy cooperatives

20140911094013_wrzesienPublished in Czysta Energia, 9/2014 (157). The article is also available online here.

Spoldzielnie energetyczne – przyklad niemieckiej energetyki obywatelskiej

Prawie polowa instalacji fotowoltaicznych i wykorzystujacych biomase lub biogaz, a takze wiecej niz polowa elektrowni wiatrowych w Niemczech zostala sfinansowana przez obywateli.

To cztery razy wiecej niz wynosza inwestycje w OZE przedsiebiorstw energetycznych. Te energetyczne inwestycje obywateli okresla sie w Niemczech mianem Bürgerenergie, czyli “energetyki obywatelskiej”. To wszelkie projekty, w ktorych osoby prywatne i/lub lokalne przedsiebiorstwa (poza duzymi koncernami energetycznymi) pojedynczo lub wspolnie inwestuja wlasny kapital‚ w obszarze energetyki. Chodzi nie tylko o OZE, ale o wszelkie inwestycje w energetyce, np. zwiazane z siecia energetyczna czy oszczedzaniem energii. Mozliwe sa rowniez udzialy mniejszosciowe obywateli. Spoldzielnie energetyczne sa jedna z form energetyki obywatelskiej.