Book chapter on Polish renewable energy policy


Mine and Andrzej Ancygier’s book chapter “Poland at the renewable energy policy crossroads – an incongruent Europeanization?” has been published in the book “A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy. Comparing Europeanization and Domestic Policy Change in EU Member States” by Edward Elgar Publishing (2017, pp. 183-203).

About the book from the publisher’s website:

“This book is a guide for understanding the EU renewable energy policy as one of the most ambitious attempts world-wide to facilitate a transition towards more sustainable energy systems. It contains key case studies for understanding how member states have shaped the EU renewable energy policy, how the EU has affected the policies of its member states and how renewable energy policies have diffused horizontally. An analysis of the external dimension of the EU renewable energy policy is also included.”

Book chapter on Polish energy and climate policy

My book chapter “Poland’s Clash Over Energy and Climate Policy: Green Economy or Grey Status Quo?” has been published in the book “The European Union in International Climate Change Politics. Still Taking a Lead?” edited by Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel, James Connely and Duncan Liefferink. More informatione here.

Article about the reform of the German renewable energy law in July 2016

My article “Przyszlosc energetyki odnawialnej w Niemczech – staly trend, nowe zasady” was published by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Warszawa – you may read it here.

Final report of the Enquete Commission “New Energy for Berlin – The Future of the Energy Industry Structures”

Ich freue mich sehr über das Ergebnis der Arbeit der Enquete-Kommission des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, an der ich beteiligt war: den Abschlussbericht “Neue Energie fü Berlin – Zukunft der energiewirtschaftlichen Strukturen”. Der Bericht wird auch bald in’s Englische übersetzt. Der Bericht ist verfügbar unter:

I am very pleased about the result of a work of the Enquete Commission of the Berlin House of Representatives, in which I was involved: the final report “New Energy for Berlin – The Future of the Energy Industry Structures”. The report will soon be translated into English. The report ist available online here: