My book chapter “Windenergienutzung und Landschaftsdebatten – Erfahrungen aus Polen und Deutschland” [Wind energy use and landscape debates – experiences from Poland and Germany], translated into Polish and written together with Antje Otto and Andrzej Ancygier, has been published in the book “Krajobrazy kulturowe. Sposoby konstruowania i narracje” [Cultural landscapes. Construction methods and narratives] (2017, pp. 278-298).
The book chapter has been translated by Agnieszka Grzybkowska: “Wykorzystanie energii wiatrowej i debaty na temat krajobrazu. Doswiadczenia z Polski i Niemiec”. The book has been edited by Robert Traba, Violetta Julkowska and Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz and published by Wydawnictwo Neriton CBH PAN (Centrum Badan Historycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie) Publishing House Neriton Centre of Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. German version is coming soon.