The power-point presentation (in English) entitled “Bringing energy to the people – what Poland, Europe and the world really need?†that I prepared for my talk during the panel: “The Climate of European Politics: Climate Change, Europe and the World” during the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World” on 23 June in Cracov is available here:
Category Archives: Shale gas
Translation into Polish of the Corporate Europe Observatory’s report about the big business influence on the Warsaw Climate Summit
Published by Corporate Europe Observatory, CEO, 21 November 2013.
Nieszczescia chodza parami – wielcy truciciele, polski rzad i ONZ
Corporate Europe Observatory
we wspolpracy badawczej z Karolina Jankowska
Goszczenie tegorocznej Konferencji Narodow Zjednoczonych nt. Zmian Klimatu, COP19, przez Polske, kraj w duzej mierze uzalezniony od wegla i cieszAcy sie zla slawa blokujacego ambitna polityke klimatyczna na poziomie UE, nie wrozy nic dobrego dla jej rezultatow. Polski rzad zaprosil prywatne korporacje do sponsorowania COP – choc przede wszystkim na konferencje, co wywolalo fale pytan, czy COP jest nadal powaznym miedzynarodowym spotkaniem najwyzszej wagi, czy tez znakomita szansa do lobbowania przez tych, ktorzy maja bezposredni komercyjny interes w spalaniu wiekszej ilosci paliw kopalnych. Fakt, ze jeden ze sponsorow biznesowych, producent stali ArcelorMittal, zaplacil za budowe pomieszczen konferencyjnych i umiescil na nich swoje logo, jest znamienitym symbolem “zawlaszczenia” (capture) przez korporacje procesu negocjacyjnego COP.
W miedzyczasie odbyl sie Miedzynarodowy Szczyt Wegla i Klimatu (International Coal and Climate Summit), zorganizowany przez Swiatowa Organizacje Wegla (World Coal Association) jako wydarzenie rownolegle, przy wsparciu polskiego Ministra Gospodarki. Wspolnie wydali oni tzw. “Komunikat Warszawski” (“Warsaw Communique”) proponujac wykorzystanie nieistniejAcego w rzeczywistosci “czystego wegla” (“clean coal”) do walki ze zmianami klimatu.
Presentation from the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s strategy workshop at COP 19
The power-point presentation (in English) entitled “Fossil fuel lobby in the UNFCCC process” that I prepared for my talk during the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s strategy workshop at COP 19 on 17 November in Warsaw is available here:
Presentation “Fossil fuel lobby in the UNFCCC process”, Karolina Jankowska
New contribution: “The COP19 guide to corporate lobbying. Climate crooks and the Polish government’s partners in crime”
Published by Corporate Europe Observatory, CEO, and Transnational Institute, TI, in October 2013. Research and writing: Rachel Tansey, with contributions from Karolina Jankowska, Nina Holland and Belen Balanya.
The COP19 Guide to Corporate Lobbying. Climate crooks and the Polish government’s partners in crime
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is yearly talks have become a “must attend” event for huge numbers of business and industry lobbyists, all eager to promote their preferred “solution” to tackling climate change – solutions which protect their business interests, provide them with new opportunities to profit and most importantly of all, allow them to continue polluting the climate and destroying the environment for everyone. False solutions to climate change have been promoted by powerful corporations and business interests for years, from a free market in pollution – a global carbon market that helps rich companies avoid emission cuts at source – to public funding for controversial technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS), nuclear power and agrofuels which have been shown to harm people and the planet.