The power-point presentation (in English) entitled “Bringing energy to the people – what Poland, Europe and the world really need?†that I prepared for my talk during the panel: “The Climate of European Politics: Climate Change, Europe and the World” during the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World” on 23 June in Cracov is available here:
Category Archives: Photovoltaics
Conference “The EU Renewable Energy Policy: Challenges and Opportunities”
The conference is going to take place at the Free University of Berlin on 9 May. The title of my conference paper and presentation is: “Poland at the energy policy crossroads – a superficial Europenization?”.
The organizer, the Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik (FFU) [Environmental Policy Research Centre] at the Free University of Berlin, about the conference:
Das Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik (FFU) der Freien Universität Berlin organisiert mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung eine Konferenz zum Thema “The EU renewable energy policy: challenges and opportunities”. In der Konferenz gehen junge AkademikerInnen aus dem Bereich der Umwelt- und Energiepolitik der Frage nach, wie und in welchem Ausmaß die erneuerbare Energien-Politik der EU die nationalstaatliche Ebene beeinflusst und damit die Transformation der Mitgliedsstaaten in Richtung eines nachhaltigen, auf erneuerbaren Energien basierenden Energieversorgungssystems vorangetrieben hat.
More information about the conference as well as its programme is available on the website of the FFU.
Presentation from the conference “Citizens’ energy for a good climate”
The power-point presentation (in Polish) entitled “Walka z bezrobociem dzieki rozwojowi OZE” [Fighting the unemployment through RES] that I prepared for my talk during the panel discussion “Renewable jobs – jobs in renewables – facts and myths” during the participatory debate about Poland and its future “Citzens’ energy for a good climate” organized by the Greens/ European Free Alliance (Greens/ EFA) in the European Parliament from 15 to 16 November in Warsaw is available here:
Prezentacja “Walka z bezrobociem dziÄ™ki rozwojowi OZE”, Karolina Jankowska
Panel discussion “Renewable jobs – jobs in renewables: facts and myths” during the congress organized by the Greens/ EFA in Warsaw
The panel discussion “Renewable jobs – jobs in renewables: facts and myths” is going to take place during the participatory debate about Poland and its future “Citizen’s energy for a good climate” organized by the Greens/ European Free Alliance (Greens/ EFA) in the European Parliament from 15 to 16 November in Warsaw.
What is the aim of this panel? As the organizers wrote:
In the midst of the crisis Europe is in need for new innovative sustainable strategies for jobs creation. For the Greens in Europe, investment in renewable energy is clearly one of the solutions to be implemented. There are many good examples across the EU to follow. Together with the public we will be looking at the solutions which could be applied in Poland and how to unleash the potential of green jobs in Poland.
During the panel discussion I am going to present the potential for jobs creation in the renewable energy sector in Poland as well the German experiences in this field. I am going also to discuss the potential for a transfer of these experiences to Poland.
More information about the panel discussion as well as the whole event is available on the website of the Greens/ EFA.
Articles on German energy policy and politics available online
The articles (in Polish) published this year in Czysta Energia: “German PV support policy: changes and challenges” and “Energy transition in Germany” are now available online on the Polish energy internet portal
The article “German PV support policy: changes and challenges” (in Polish: “Niemiecka polityka wsparcia PV – zmiany i wyzwania”) can be found here, and below as pdf file (source:
Karolina Jankowska Niemiecka polityka wsparcia PV zmiany i wyzwania
The artcile “Energy transition in Germany” (in Polish: “Transformacja energetyczna w Niemczech”) can be found here, and below as pdf file (source: