Presentation from the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s strategy workshop at COP 19

The power-point presentation (in English) entitled “Fossil fuel lobby in the UNFCCC process” that I prepared for my talk during the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s strategy workshop at COP 19 on 17 November in Warsaw is available here:

Presentation “Fossil fuel lobby in the UNFCCC process”, Karolina Jankowska

Presentation from the conference “Citizens’ energy for a good climate”

Energia obywatelska dla dobrego klimatu

The power-point presentation (in Polish) entitled “Walka z bezrobociem dzieki rozwojowi OZE” [Fighting the unemployment through RES] that I prepared for my talk during the panel discussion “Renewable jobs – jobs in renewables – facts and myths” during the participatory debate about Poland and its future “Citzens’ energy for a good climate” organized by the Greens/ European Free Alliance (Greens/ EFA) in the European Parliament from 15 to 16 November in Warsaw is available here:

Prezentacja “Walka z bezrobociem dziÄ™ki rozwojowi OZE”, Karolina Jankowska

Panel discussion during the 7th Polish Nationwide Meetings of Social Economy OSES 2013 in Nowe Warpno

The panel discussion, organised by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Warsaw office, with the title “Przedsiebiorczosc spoleczna a ochrona srodowiska, ekologia i energia odnawialna” (Social entrepreneurship and environmental protection, ecology and renewable energy) is going to take place during the 7th Polish Nationwide Meetings of Social Economy OSES 2013 in Nowe Warpno on 20 September.

I am going to present the German experiences with energy transition on the local level and the development of civic engagement and energy democracy in this country (f.ex. the emergence of energy cooperatives and civic renewable energy projects) as well as to discuss the potential for the transfer of this experiences to Poland.

More information is avaibale on the website of the panel chair, Ewa KoÅ›, member of Parliament of the Voivodeship West Pommerania, on the website of the Heinrich Böll Foundation as well as on the website of the 7th Polish Nationwide Meetings of Social Economy.

Article about movements for municipal energy systems in Germany

Energietisch_Berlin-100x100 Published in Zielone Wiadomosci [Green News], 6 June 2013.

Boom energetyki obywatelskiej w Niemczech

W latach 90. w modzie byla prywatyzacja sieci energetycznych, dzis w calych Niemczech przejmuja je firmy komunalne i spoldzielnie. W Hamburgu i Stuttgarcie odbeda sie jesienia referenda w tej sprawie, inicjatywa referendalna zawiazala sie takze w Berlinie.


Niemcy mawiaja, ze Energiewende zyje zaangazowaniem obywatelskim. Dobrze to rokuje temu obecnie najbardziej ambitnemu projektu transformacji energetycznej na swiecie. Bo Niemcom nie brakuje woli angazowania sie na rzecz wspolnego dobra, jakim jest czyste srodowisko, zwiazana z nim wysoka jakosc zycia, bezpieczenstwo energetyczne oraz transparentny i demokratyczny system energetyczny, ktory nie ogranicza dostepu najmniej zamoznym, a generowane zyski reinwestuje w tym systemie dla dobra jego uzytkownikow.

Interview on German energy transition

The interview published originally on the website of Zielone Wiadomosci was printed in the paper version of the magazine (nr. 14 March – April 2013), which is devoted to energy and climate policy issues. The magazine in pdf can be downloaded from the website of Zielone Wiadomosci.
