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Pozdrawiam upalnie,

Karolina Jankowska

Presentation from the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World”

The power-point presentation (in English) entitled “Bringing energy to the people – what Poland, Europe and the world really need?” that I prepared for my talk during the panel: “The Climate of European Politics: Climate Change, Europe and the World” during the Intensive Programme of the MA in Euroculture “European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World” on 23 June  in Cracov is available here:

Presentation “Bringing energy to the people: what Poland, Europe and the world really need?”, Karolina Jankowska

I will be scientific assistant for energy policy in the parliamentary group of the Pirate Party in the Berlin Chamber of Deputies

In August I start working for the Pirate Party’s parliamantary group in the Berlin Chamber of Deputies as a scientific assistant for energy policy, with focus on the Enquete-Commission “Neue Energie für Berlin – Zukunft der energiewirtschaftlichen Strukturen” [New Energy for Berlin – the future of the energy industry structures]. I am so excited about the challenge we are going to handle in Berlin – transition to renewables and more energy democracy! I hope for a good and fruitful cooperation with all involved in this process! I will publish soon more information about my new work and the work of Enquete-Commission.

Here my contact details in the Berlin Chamber of Deputies.