Book chapter on German policy support mechanism for photovoltaics


My book chapter “The German Policy Support Mechanism fpr Photovoltaics: The Road to Grid Parity” was published in Moe, Espen and Midford, Paul (eds.), “The Political Economy of Renewable Energy and Energy Security. Common Challenges and National Responses in Japan, China and Northern Europe”, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 258-275.

From the book description:

Bringing together renewable energy and energy security, the authors cover both the politics and political economy of renewables and energy security and analyzes renewable technologies in some of the most relevant and topical parts of the world. Japan is energy-scarce and still experiencing the aftermath of Fukushima. China is expanding its renewable energy capacity faster than any other country. Northern Europe has long been among the most progressive regions with respect to renewables – boasting Denmark and Germany, front-runners in wind and solar energy solutions – but also home to petroleum-based economies like Norway. By comparing and contrasting the experiences of such a diverse range of countries, this book identifies both barriers and success factors and explains why some countries have been so much more successful than others when it comes to renewable energy.

More information available on the website of Palgrave Macmillan.

Article on German energy cooperatives

20140911094013_wrzesienPublished in Czysta Energia, 9/2014 (157). The article is also available online here.

Spoldzielnie energetyczne – przyklad niemieckiej energetyki obywatelskiej

Prawie polowa instalacji fotowoltaicznych i wykorzystujacych biomase lub biogaz, a takze wiecej niz polowa elektrowni wiatrowych w Niemczech zostala sfinansowana przez obywateli.

To cztery razy wiecej niz wynosza inwestycje w OZE przedsiebiorstw energetycznych. Te energetyczne inwestycje obywateli okresla sie w Niemczech mianem Bürgerenergie, czyli “energetyki obywatelskiej”. To wszelkie projekty, w ktorych osoby prywatne i/lub lokalne przedsiebiorstwa (poza duzymi koncernami energetycznymi) pojedynczo lub wspolnie inwestuja wlasny kapital‚ w obszarze energetyki. Chodzi nie tylko o OZE, ale o wszelkie inwestycje w energetyce, np. zwiazane z siecia energetyczna czy oszczedzaniem energii. Mozliwe sa rowniez udzialy mniejszosciowe obywateli. Spoldzielnie energetyczne sa jedna z form energetyki obywatelskiej.

Article about the reform of the German renewable energy law available on-line

019_ico-75x75My article “Obywatelska Energiewende zagrozona” published in Zielone Wiadomosci [Green News] March – April 2014 Nr. 19 (2/2014) has been also published on the website of “Green News”, you may read it here.

New contribution: Publication of the Greens in the European Parliament for 10 years Poland in the EU

Published in “10 spraw na 10 lat, czyli zielone pomysly na Polske w Europie [10 issues for 10 years, that is green ideas for Poland in Europe], a book published by the Greens/ European Freen Alliance in the European Parliament.

Energetyka odnawialna – co sie musi zmienic w naszym mysleniu?

Choc rozwoj odnawialnych zrodel energii (OZE) nastepuje stopniowo, to jednak odchodzenie od paliw kopalnych i energii jadrowej do OZE jest rewolucja. Jestesmy bowiem swiadkami globalnego procesu, ktory w niedalekiej przyszlosci calkowicie, nieodwracalnie i nieuchronnie zmieni sposob wytwarzania, dystrybuowania oraz wykorzystywania energii – zarowno w obszarze zaopatrzenia w cieplo, energie elektryczna, jak i paliwa wykorzystywane w srodkach transportu. Jak kazda tego typu zmiana proces ten budzi w wielu niepokoj, wywoluje niedowierzanie, sceptycyzm, w ostatecznosci sprzeciw. Zwlaszcza wsrod tych, ktorzy moga i musza na tej zmianie stracic, jesli nie zechca jej wesprzec.

Article together with Andre Schaffrin on the role of veto players and leaders in the new field of climate mitigation policy

This article titled: “Breaks or engines? The role of veto players and leaders in the new field of climate mitigation policy” is a part of Andre Schaffrin’s cumulative dissertation: Schaffrin, Andre (2013), “Policy Change: Concept, Measurement, and Causes. An Empirical Analysis of Climate Mitigation Policy”, Dissertation, Universität zu Kölln. It is available here.

Breaks or engines? The role of veto players and leaders in the new field of climate mitigation policy


Veto player theory is undoubtedly one of the most prominent approaches for explaining policy stability and change. While some studies have corroborated the influence of veto players and their preferences, other empirical work has provided mixed evidence. Three critical points are discussed: the identification of veto players, the measurement of policy preferences and the assumption of equivalence of veto players. This article aims to shed new light on the theoretical debate and empirical influence of veto players by applying the model to a newly emerging policy field. While most empirical studies have tested veto player theory in established fields such as social or economic policy, the new field of climate mitigation provides a different context for political decision-making. In this situation with a status quo outside the median preferences, a lack of policy baggage and newly forming actors and interests, the absolute anchoring of preferences and the identification of leaders seems to be an important extension of the veto player perspective. Using a mixed-methods approach, this article combines a large-N pooled time-series cross-section analysis of national policies on energy efficiency in 25 EU member states from 1998 to 2010 with a case-study analysis of the renewable electricity laws in Poland (2005) and Germany (2000). The findings demonstrate that climate leaders play a crucial role in stimulating climate mitigation policy. The case study suggests that political actors other than official veto players such as ministers or the EU strongly influence the process of agenda setting and decision making. The findings underscore the importance of including a measure of the internal cohesion of veto players, the presence of leaders, and the consideration of motives other than policy preferences in future analyses.