
Dr. Karolina Jankowska

Warmly welcome on my website!

I am a political analyst and freelance author interested in sustainable and environmental friendly way of living, production and consumption. I focus on environmental, energy and climate policies.

I was born, grew up and studied in Poland. In the last year of my study I moved for a scholarship to Berlin, where I am currently based. In the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Free University of Berlin I defended my doctoral thesis about the Polish renewable energy policy and politics in the electricity sector. This book, written in German and titled: “Die Kräfte des Wandels. Die Wandlung Polens von einer auf Kohle basierenden zu einer an erneuerbaren Energien orientierten Gesellschaft” [The forces of change. The Polish transition from coal-based manufacturing to renewable oriented society], was published in 2012 here.

Currently I work as a senior expert for energy efficiency in the German Energy Agency, dena, in Berlin.

I set up this website to document my work and to share my opinions on current developments in environmental, energy and climate policies. My posts are written either in English, German or Polish. I invite you to contact me personally in case of any comments or questions.

Dr. Karolina Jankowska
Policy Analyst & Researcher
Energy & Environment

e-mail: kj@karolina-jankowska.eu
