Contest for the post of an adjunct (assistant professor) in the Institute of Political Science, Department of Political Systems and Administration, at the Univesity of Wroclaw in Poland

Prof. Dr. Barbara Kudrycka
Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland
by e-mail



  • Prof. Dr. Marek Bojarski, Rector of the University of Wroclaw (UWr),
  • Prof. Dr. Jerzy Juchnowski, Dean of the Department of Social Science (WNS) at the UWr,
  • Prof. Dr. Jacek Sroka, Director of the Institute of Political Science (IP) at the UWr,
  • students who I was teaching the subject “Introduction to political science” during the summer term 2013 in the IP UWr (now second year of politcal science, group 1, 2 and 3),

by e-mail.

The letter will be published on my website at, both in Polish and English, in order to inform the public, not only in Poland, about the problems of scientists and academic teachers in this country.

I am also planning to send it to the media in order to reach even broader parts of the society.

 Berlin, 31 October 2013

Contest for the post of an adjunct (assistant professor) in the Department of Political Systems and Administration in the IP UWr

Dear Ms Kudrycka,

I would like to kindly ask you to control whether the contests for the posts of adjuncts at the WNS UWr, as well as for the other posts for scientists and academic teachers, are being proceeded according to the existing law.

On the 9th of October the Dean of WNS announced a contest for a post of an adjunct in the Department of Political Systems and Administration in the IP UWr, in which I took part. The announcement was published on the website of the IP UWr, the Ministry of Science and Higher Edudation and the European Commission on the European internet portal for internationally mobile researchers. At the same time the “Contest Regulations” were published on the website of the IP UWr.

Based on the above mentioned regulations I won the contest reaching the highest score. I was informed about it by the Director of the IP UWr, Prof. Sroka, over the telephone on 29th of March. This day was at the same time the deadline for the decision about the contest results, as stated on the website of the IP UWr. After the phone call the contest result were published on the website of the IP UWr according to the “Contest Regulations”.

Because on the website of the IP UWr it was stated, that the employment would begin on the 1st of April, immediately after the announcment of the results I started to prepare for my move to Wrocław from Berlin, where I am currently based, according to my promise done during the job interview. Prof. Sroka proposed me to come on the 5th of April.

However, during the short meeting in Wroclaw with Prof. Sroka I was told, that the employment would not begin on the 1st of April, because (as far as I can remind myself on his words): “the university administration needs more time”. It means, that the condition for employment, as stated in the contest announcement, was not fulfilled.

On the same day I was proposed to teach during the summer term 2013 three classes of the first year’s students of political science the subject “Introduction to political science” in order to get to know the students and the character of work in the IP UWr. Although my weekly travel and accomodation costs were far higher than the promised salary, I have not received any payment until now.

On the 22nd of April the Contest Committe annuled the contest due to the “formal inadvertences, which consisted in not keeping to” the anticipated deadline for the contest decision. The announcment of the second contest should have been made as soon as possible. Prof. Sroka, asked by myself for an explanation, said, that the contest would be repeated, which ment the necessity of repeated preparation of lectures in English as well as a participation in a job interview, hence the application of rules of the “Contest Regulations”.

Second contest was announced on the website of the IP UWr on the 5th of September. Its content was the same as in the case of the first one, but this time the “Contest Regulations” were not published on the website. Admittedly the “Regulations” were available on the website on the 2nd of September, after the contest for the post of an adjunct in the Department of Social Communication and Journalism in the IP UWr was announced, but on the 5th of September they just disappeared. After my request by e-mail concerning the ranking of candidates as anticipated by the “Regulations” prof. Sroka answered that “According to the opinion of lawyers and the rector we should apply the university rules and they do not anticipate any ranking (…)”.

It all means, that the “Regulations” have lost their force of law and been replaced by the university rules, which have not been, however, publicly announced as the “Regulations” were during the first contest. More striking is, however, that the Contest Committee did not annuled the first contest due to applying of the “Contest Regulations” instead of the university rules, but due to “formal inadvertences, which consisted in not keeping to” the anticipated deadline for the contest decision. It means, that still in April nobody guestioned the force of law of the “Regulations”.

Second contest for the post of an adjunct was not announced, according to the rules of the Higher Education Law (art. 118a, passage 2), on the website of the Ministry and the European Commission on the European internet portal for internationally mobile researchers. For the preparation of the application documents candidates had only 11 days (the deadline was on the 16th of September), which is, in comparison with the first contest (around 2 months since announcement till deadline), a rather short period of time.

On the 29th of October I received a message about the decision on the second contest, this time by the secretarial office and e-mail, including the following: “We kindly inform you, that the contest for the post of an adjunct in the Department of Political Systems and Administration in the IP UWr has been decided. Unfortunately, you have not been offered this position”.

At the same time the contest result have not been published on the website of the IP UWr as in the first time. The minutes of the Contest Committe have not been published there as well, as it was in the case of annulment of the first contest on the 22nd of April.

The Dean of the WNS, Prof. Jerzy Juchnowski, has not responded until now to my request to send as fast as possible the whole documentation of the conducted contest procedure. I hope, however, that I will receive it soon, because it will be probably a very good source of knowledge about other criteria that have been taken into account by choosing the candidate instead of the criteria set in a very detailed manner in the “Contest Regulations”. After receiving the documentation I will send it immediately to all addressees of this letter as well as inform the public by publishing it on my website at

I wrote this letter because the UWr is a public institution of higher education, financed by the society, and as such should serve the society, not any particular interests. It should contribute to the development of science in Poland and in the world by research and teaching on the highest level, still being increased. It should also create and strengthen the rule of law in the society, as well as to promote transparency, openess and respect towards other people. For this reason special addressees of the letter are my students of the past academic semester in the IP UWr, whom I would like to show, that they have the right to speak about it loud, if there is someting “wrong” or against their dignity. Even if they do not have the abbreviations “Dr.” or “Prof. Dr.” before their names.

With kind regards,

Karolina Jankowska

You may find the Polish version of the above letter together with attachments (in Polish) here.

W sprawie postepowania konkursowego na stanowisko adiunkta w Zakladzie Systemow Politycznych i Administracyjnych IP UWr

I wrote a letter to the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education concerning the contest for the post of an adjunct (assistant professor) in the Institute of Political Science (IP) at the University of Wroclaw (UWr) (in Polish):

List do Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzszego, prof. dr hab. Barbary Kudryckiej – Karolina Jankowska

Na stronie 3 w akapicie trzecim powinno byc “29 pazdziernika br.” zamiast “29 marca”, przepraszam za blad… [On the page 3 paragraph 3 there should be written “29 pazdziernika” instead of “29 marca”, sorry for this mistake…]

A tu mozna zapoznac sie z odpowiedzia Dziekana WNS UWr, prof. dr hab. Jerzego Juchnowskiego [Here you may read the answer from the Dean of the Department of Social Science (WNS) at the UWr, Prof. Dr. Jerzy Juchnowski – in Polish].

Tu z kolei jest odpowiedz Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzszego i moj komentarz [And here is the answer from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as well as my comment on it – in Polish].

ZaÅ‚Ä…czniki [attachments – in Polish]:

Zalacznik nr 1 “Formularz ogÅ‚oszenia o konkursie na stronie Ministerstwa”

Zalacznik nr 2 “Regulamin konkursu”

Zalacznik nr 3 “Strona Instytutu Politologii 03.04.2013, ogÅ‚oszenie wyników konkursu”

Zalacznik nr 4 “Protokół 22.04.2013, unieważnienie konkursu”

Zalacznik nr 5 “Pismo 29.04.2013, unieważnienie konkursu”

Zalacznik nr 6 “Strona Instytutu Politologii 23.09.2013, ogÅ‚oszenie o pracÄ™”

Zalacznik nr 7 “Strona Instytutu Politologii 01.05.2013, unieważnienie konkursu”

Here you may read an English translation of my above letter to the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland, Barbara Kudrycka, about the contest for the post of an adjunct (assistant professor) at the UWr, which I was once offered (check out my post here).

Executive papers on energy efficiency in buildings in Central and Eastern Europe

Check out the newest executive papers on energy efficiency in buildings in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary published by Fraunhofer MOEZ and co-authored by Urban Kaiser and me (in German):

Panel discussion “Renewable jobs – jobs in renewables: facts and myths” during the congress organized by the Greens/ EFA in Warsaw

ziemiaThe panel discussion “Renewable jobs – jobs in renewables: facts and myths” is going to take place during the participatory debate about Poland and its future “Citizen’s energy for a good climate” organized by the Greens/ European Free Alliance (Greens/ EFA) in the European Parliament from 15 to 16 November in Warsaw.

What is the aim of this panel? As the organizers wrote:

In the midst of the crisis Europe is in need for new innovative sustainable strategies for jobs creation. For the Greens in Europe, investment in renewable energy is clearly one of the solutions to be implemented. There are many good examples across the EU to follow. Together with the public we will be looking at the solutions which could be applied in Poland and how to unleash the potential of green jobs in Poland.

During the panel discussion I am going to present the potential for jobs creation in the renewable energy sector in Poland as well the German experiences in this field. I am going also to discuss the potential for a transfer of these experiences to Poland.

More information about the panel discussion as well as the whole event is available on the website of the Greens/ EFA.

Corporate lobbying at the climate talks

During the last couple of weeks before COP19 I will be helping Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) to expose how some of the companies are shaping the policies and positions of the Polish Government and the UN.

With your help, the help of donors, CEO will also produce and disseminate a who-is-who guide to corporate lobbying at the climate talks and work with activists and campaigners on the ground in Warsaw to build a strong civil society voice rejecting corporate capture both inside and outside COP19.

Check out the new CEO’s blog.